Configuring Workflow Manager and Autonomic Scheduler

The workflow manager is the entry point to the system and it will orchestrate the execution of workflows. Currently, the autonomic scheduler is launched by the workflow manager, although it is totally independent. The autonomic scheduler decides where to schedule tasks, which resources to provision, and keeps the information of the resources.

Next we present a configuration file example, where a workflow manager is going to be deployed in the machine defined in publicIpManager, port portManager. The logs are stored in the file defined by logFile, the Task Manager (aka. Workflow Master) is listening in workflowmasterURI (i.e. machine, port 7777). The Autonomic scheduler is going to be deployed in the machine defined in CentralManagerAddress (currently, this property has to be the same than publicIpManager), port CentralManagerPort. Additionally, we define a monitoring interval of 60 seconds, which is used by the autonomic scheduler to monitor resource status and analyze if any actions is required to guarantee QoS. Additionally we can include a default benchmark score that can be used to calculate the speedup of all available resources (speedup = <resourceBenchmarkScore>/<DefaultBenchmarkScore>). More information about this configuration file can be found in WORKFLOW section. For simplicity we keep scripts and examples of the configuration files in the directory simple_run/workflow/


This service requires Java runtime 1.7+ and rsync.

Edit file


    #task generator(workflowMaster)

    #resource manager and autonomic scheduler




DefaultBenchmarkScore is only used if the user does not indicate a benchmark score when submitting a workflow and when the metrics service is disabled or it does not have information about the application to be executed.

Starting the Service

Once the configuration is ready, you can start the workflow manager and autonomic scheduler by executing the script This script contains the following code that defines the CLASSPATH and executes the appropriated java class.

export CLASSPATH=../../dist/*:../../lib/*
java -cp $CLASSPATH tassl.application.workflow.WorkflowManager -propertyFile


These services can start regardless the status of other services of our federation. It is not until a workflow is started that this service contacts the Task Manager (aka. Workflow Master).