Configuring Metrics Service¶
The Metrics Service allows Agents to store historical information about various metrics. Currently, we can store raw data regarding resource performance for different applications, failure rates, provisioning overheads, network performance between Agents and between an Agent and its workers. A federated deployment could have multiple Metric services to serve different Agents. A Metrics service can store its information in a database and it is able to generate metrics using the raw data sent by Agents.
Next we describe how to configure a Metrics Service in a site called and detail the different configuration files involved. More information about this section configuration files can be found in Metrics section. For simplicity we keep scripts and examples of the configuration files in the directory simple_run/metrics/
This service requires Java runtime 1.7+.
Edit file¶
This file contains the information required to configure the Metrics service. AgentMetricsAddress and AgentMetricsPort indicate the address and port where this service will be listening. DBAddress and DBPort indicate the address and port where the database is listening. DBType indicates the type of database (currently only MongoDB is supported). Finally, logFile defines the file where logs will be stored. AgentMetricsPort=8891 DBPort=27017 DBAddress=localhost DBType=mongodb logFile=AgentMetricsService.log
Configure MongoDB¶
MongoDB is currently the only database supported. Ideally you will want to have a fault tolerance deployment of MongoDB as indicated in their website. However, for testing purposes we are going to deploy MongoDB in the same machine where the Metrics service is running using the following MongoDB guide. Make sure to start the service using --bind_ip option to avoid security problems
mongod --bind_ip --dbpath /home/cc/db/ --logpath /home/cc/db/mongo.log